Research & Analysis

Research & analysis are two of the most important yet most overlooked activities in a business. Research isn’t just reading through 1 or 2 references. You should establish an objective, what are you searching for?
In many industries, you could spend all day of every day researching trends and economic data. Because there are so many variables that impact various market you will have to focus attention on a huge amount of data sets.
There are almost weekly updates from various economic research bureaus. Then there is government data on housing prices, census information and the employment market. This data is constantly being released and it can be very time consuming to keep on top of this.
There can be more than one methodology for research. You can use online references or tap third party resources. Some forms of research will entail field work, interviews and leg work.
Once data gathering is completed, a system of analysis is applied to determine the best conclusion. The process of elimination is carried out by a system of analysis. You cross reference data, look for similarities and differences, identify variables, determine formulas or apply programs to arrive at the results.
Research involves validating all data and re-checking the results of the analysis.
Our real estate outsourcers have had years of experience conducting research and rendering expert analysis on various industries.
That research can then be formatted into bite size information. You can then have it just for business internal use, so that your staff are fully up to date on what is going on. Or you can use it as the basis for publishing regular market newsletters or blog posts.
Having the right tools and methodology are just two pieces of the puzzle. The most important one is that all this takes time and a lot of manual searching and referencing. By engaging our real estate virtual assistant services, you can save yourself the time and a lot of money in the process.
Once the parameters of the data you need are set, you can simply have the same research process conducted on a weekly or monthly basis. That way you are constantly getting the same type of reports with exactly the same layout.
This type of business process will give you a huge advantage over your competition. And when you can present such reports to your clients it will give you a lot of credibility too.